Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guatemala bound!

Chris and I leave EARLY tomorrow morning for Guatemala. You can read this post to find out more about our trip. The kids will all be situated in grandparent's homes by the end of the day! I mostly have the kids packed and I think all the donations are packed and weighed. Families from our church brought in school supplies for us to give at the elementary school and clothing and shoes for the orphanage!
At the time of my first post about our trip - we weren't sure if we would be able to go to an orphanage. We were able to arrange to spend Friday night at Eagle's Nest in Solola. We learned about this ministry from Angel (this post has a video of her trip to Eagle's Nest) and Amy. I am SO looking forward to our time at the orphanage - but there is a part of me that knows how hard it will be!
Chris and I still need to pack and of course I have lists of other small errands, etc that need to get done before we attempt to go to bed early tonight! We are not going to have a computer with us - but I will get an update out on Monday!


hannah said...

My husband and I are adopting a little boy from eagles nest his name at EN is william. Amy emailed me and said you were leaving going to EN. I will keep you in our prayers. Our blog is braxtonsfamily.blogspot.com and my email is hannahbuffington@yahoo.com

Stephanie said...

Amy told me you were traveling to Guate and making a stop by EN. Our little boy is there. His name is Jose Pablo, but they call him Colocho (curly). We named him Nathan. He is not hard to miss. He is the only curly headed one there;).
Thanks for serving and spending time with the children. I will be praying for you!

Sara said...

I am thrilled that you are going to serve and the women at EN are amazing. We are adopting a baby at EN - Pascuala (we are naming her Kate). Praying for your trip.

Deidre said...

Thank you so much for stopping by EN to serve for a couple of days! I know that you will just fall in love with the place!

My husband and I are adopting Rosita from there (we will call her Kendall.) If you could give her a big hug from us and tell her that her mommy and daddy will be there in a few more weeks I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you so much for going and serving. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

Deidre King

Anonymous said...

Excited that you are going to Guatemala. Can't wait to here all about it when you get back. Our family will be praying fort you!!

Jim for all the BESTS